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14 June 2019

Let’s stick to our guns on Pakistan

The Modi government has been diplomatically polite and is in no haste to reach out to Pakistan for bilateral talks yet.


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14 June 2019

Dealing with the big bully

Caught in the crosshairs, India is finding it difficult to go with US diktats.


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29 May 2019

Modi Formula for New India

In his speeches, given after the election results were out, Prime Minister Modi has dwelt at length on the concept of New India. He said that while 2014-19 was devoted to denting poverty, the second term will address the task of building a ‘New India’ by fulfilling the aspirations of the people. The New India will be an aspirational India.


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29 May 2019

US-China trade war: The Huawei hatchet

The US upped the ante on its ongoing trade and technology conflict with China this week with President Donald Trump effectively banning Huawei from the US market as concerns rise about Beijing’s potential use of its tech giant for espionage and gaining access to critical infrastructure. The US Commerce Department added Huawei Technologies Co and 70 affiliates to its ‘Entity List’ in a move that would bar the Chinese company from acquiring components and technology from US firms without prior US government approval.


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29 May 2019

Modi has been energetic on foreign policy, but global environment has turned adverse

A general election, even one in which an incumbent has won, marks a turning point. Personnel may not change, yet policies do. Sometimes because elections are a good time for stock taking. Sometimes because, especially in the case of foreign and security policy, external circumstances may have changed. Often, there is a push, too.


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14 May 2019

India’s defence policy challenge

India must streamline its defense procurement processes, and reverse declining capital investment relative to personnel costs


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14 May 2019

India’s Space Program: The commercial domain

The establishment of a new private institution has spotlighted New Delhi’s ongoing efforts to build out the commercial aspect of its space program.


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14 May 2019

European Biometric Identity Repository Project – National Security Trumps Privacy?

European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 28 May 2018, after years of deliberations inside and outside the EU parliament, and in all major economies of the world. That global data flows contribute to global GDP, and data driven innovation (DDI) are critical to individual economies is well recognized. Several studies show that the AI adoption in countries will nearly double the GDP growth rate of advanced economies in 10-15 years. Much has been talked about the conflict between DDI and privacy violation of individuals, while GDPR was in the making.


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26 April 2019

The easter bombings in Sri Lanka foreshadow a regional challenge

The shocking Easter Day terror attacks in Sri Lanka underscore a regional problem.


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26 April 2019

The Inevitable Security Dilemma of the Space

The space age began with the launch of Sputnik in 1957 by the erstwhile USSR and transpired to be an eminent infrastructure to back the nuclear and conventional military capabilities of the two super powers in the cold war era, as it assuaged the mistrust between the opposing parties by supporting their intelligence.


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