Young Spanish: Jobless and Anxious
According to the OECD nearly 45% of the Spanish aged 25 to 29 accepted jobs beneath their experience levels. But, and it is even more worrying and dramatic 57% of the young university graduates are unemployed. This is the spanish so called "lost generation". And the explanation for this extremely serious situation is easy to understand. There are simply no jobs for people leaving university ! In fact university degrees no longer hold the promise of jobs for young spanish. As a result increasingly young university graduates are turning to immigration.They look for better opportunities abroad especially in Germany. Obviously similar trends can be seen in other EU countries like Portugal, Greece and Ireland. But country's official statistics show that the number of young spanish out of work double the EU average. Now beside growth which is always the key to such an issue, other approaches should be pursued or enhanced.Thus the priority should be to adapt education to labour market requirements. And enterprises which agree to hire young people should benefit from significant tax advantages. These are two essential tools to fight the jobshortage which affects young people. In any case it's time for action !
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