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The hidden costs of pollution

It's obvious that pollution becomes an expense if the result of an industrial or agricultural activity causes damage to the population.TV reports about pollution in Beijing were amazing and the explanation given by the chinese authorities and mentioning deliberately underestimated figures not very surprising. European countries must also campaign against various sources of pollution and in particular air pollution. According to the latest European Environment Agency's survey poor air quality led to nearly 500,000 deaths in the EU. Many of these deaths may be avoided with appropriate environmental policies. The UK emerges as Europe's third biggest industrial  polluter behind Germany and Poland which economy depends on coal. Britain has 16 of Europe's top 100 polluting plants, second to Germany with 17.Industrial air pollution costs Europe up to €169 billion. The report stressed that half of the damage cost was caused by only 191 facilities including large power plants, refineries etc...
These emissions mainly made up of carbon dioxide must be seriously reduced. Fortunately authorities but also the world of business seem at last to understand that clear air is a remarkable investment in the economy.

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