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Serious Challenges in Europe

There is a real concern across Europe concerning a deep demographic crisis. And the situation should be the most difficult in countries facing a continuous drop in fertility such as Greece, Spain or Italy but also Germany.Public Authorities throughout Europe point out that population aging will represent a major challenge to the sustainability of public finances.In order to balance their budgets at a time of economic crisis, many States have negociated with the pharmaceutical industry substantial price reductions.But they also have been throwing their weight to rapidly increase the number of generic medicines.And the results achieved in this field have been spectacular.According to a recent OECD report, generic medicines represent today 24% of the total pharmaceutical spending.The increase was particulary striking in Spain (+100%) and in France (+60%).The latest report from the World Bank which analyses the total health spending per country -in % of GDP- provides the following information: Netherlands (12.4%) ranks first and then we find France (11.7%), Germany (11.3%) and Switzerland (11.3%).But the economic crisis has also led to increasing poverty in numerous European countries. And poverty generates ill health.The Authorities are commited to guarantee a high-quality health care for their populations and at least an access to care for everyone. In a difficult economic environment, it is not surprising to see that there are strong concerns amongst policy makers about the Health Budget which represents the second largest social expenditure item after pensions.The departure of a young population, as is the case in Spain and Greece, in search for job opportunities abroad, is another matter of deep concern for many Governments. Their budget balances are currently clearly threatened.

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