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Epidemics and Pandemics: A World at risk

The current COVID19 epidemic is a very serious threat to the world (Re.WHO-Feb.2020). A World at risk is the title of the first report from the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) dated Sept.2019. The major aim of this panel of experts is to assess the world's ability to protect itself from health emergencies. And some of the report's conclusions call for urgent action that must be taken to better protect humans from serious and potentially deadly infectious diseases. In short, many international health experts agree that we are not ready for the next global pandemic (Re.Outbreak Observatory-L.Mullen). In fact, the health experts are increasingly concerned about the outbreaks that may be caused by novel respiratory pathogens. And they make it very clear that the moving nature of respiratory pathogens presents unique challenges that we are wholly unprepared to face. The current COVID19 epidemic which broke out in China will confirm (or not confirm) the findings of that report. The toll of the human costs of pandemics can be very high. Moreover, in a globalized and interdependent world such an epidemic can also have a devastating economic impact. Indeed, we must again underline that China today is a major part of the global supply chain and also an enormous consumer market. Now, china will need to make substantial efforts in the field of public health. And one of the priorities of the entire international community will be to massively invest in strengthening health systems across the world.

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