Discrimination against Women deepens Poverty
Discrimination against women does not belong to the past. Women are often regarded as members of a cultural minority. And yet, they account for more than 50% of the world's population! Of course, the fate of women in Europe -and in North America- is not comparable to that of women who live in emerging or developing countries. But even in the developed countries women who work will earn lower salaries than men and cannot pretend to the same career prospects. In a word, discrimination against women persists around the globe but it also exacerbates poverty. Even in the western world further progress needs to be made. To mention just one example, one in three working women in the UK admits to feeling disadvantaged in the workplace. The Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI-OECD) highlights four points of great concern.1.Early mariage, even if the number of early mariage is decreasing. 2.Unpaid care work. Caring responsibilities are mainly performed by women. 3.Inheritance. Only 55 countries in the SIGI's index accord women the same inheritance rights as men. 4.Restricted physical integrity. In particular, domestic violence. For its part, the World Bank report entitled "Women, Business and the Law 2016" comes to a number of clear conclusions. Countries whose laws include rules which discriminate against women aggravate their economic situations. And it is the poorest countries which suffer the most from discrimination against women in the working world. Indeed, when women have the right to pursue the occupation of their choice and have a fair access to financial services, not only they become economically independent but also their revenues will benefit the local community and eventually benefit the country as a whole. But obviously, the struggle for gender equality is not over.
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