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An obvious link between Climate and Economy

Today, challenges that have arisen as a result of climate change involve all society. The vast majority of scientific and economic experts throughout the world are convinced that the worst solution to tackle this issue would be to do nothing. The first objective is to reduce global carbon emissions quickly. It is abundantly clear that global warming is affecting the daily life of tens of millions of people. It destroys infrastructures and houses, particularly in the developing countries. It also increases mass human immigration generating an explosion in the number of "climate refugees". The European authorities have adopted ambitious targets in order to reverse the current global warming trend. By June 2020 the EU wants to achieve the following goals: 20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions compared with 1990 - 20% of total energy consumption from renewable energy - 20% increase in energy efficiency. Furthermore, during the period 2014-20, an amount of € 180 billion should be spent on protecting the climate. This budget should allow the EU to spend an estimated € 14 billion in favor of developing countries. The "adaptation strategy" includes well-known measures such as : using less water - adopting building regulations - improving the efficiency in the transportation sector - developing agriculture which copes better with severe drought conditions etc... But there is still a long way to go before climate change becomes a central concern of every society. It is to be hoped that the forthcoming international negotiations for a new global climate agreement scheduled for Paris from 30 November to 11 December 2015 will help to bring this vital issue forward.

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