A Swiftly Warming Planet
Climate change has become a tangible reality. " As a time when governments throughout the world are struggling to boost growth, increase access to energy, and improve food security, it is essential that the full costs and benefits of climate policies are more clearly understood. It cannot be a case of either achieving growth or tackling global warming, it must be both " said Lord Stern Vice-Chairman of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has clearly demonstrated that human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, was by far the major cause of the warming seen in recent years. This report written by more than 200 lead scientist confirmed predictions of rising sea levels, of increasing heat waves and other extreme weather. Mr Kim, Pt of the World Bank, suggested some ways forward by outlining a few ideas which could be accepted by a vast majority of countries : building low- carbon, climate resilient cities- moving forward on climate smart agriculture- accelerate energy efficiency and investment in renewables energy. He announced an important initiative to reach 300 cities in developing countries to help them plan for a low-carbon future.This initiative funded through the World Bank could cut global greenhouse gas emissions by 30%. That plan is based on the fact that an estimated 6.2 billion people will be leaving in cities by 2050! In this context it is not surprising that India, China or Brazil are amongst the most vulnerable nations to the impacts of climate change. Enterprises should easily adapt and innovate, but what about the population and in particular the most disadvantaged? The climate change requires in any case immediate action.
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